The Good, The Bad, and The Sequel | Listen Notes

check out our Death Wish 3 Reunion w/ Alex Winter, Tony Spiridakis, and Kirk Taylor

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Check out the time we Chatted w/ Eric Roberts and his amazing wife Eliza. 

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Top 5 Sequels (You Probably Have Never watched) But Should  (Click the movie to find our review)

  1. Iron Eagle IV . It's got Lou Gossett Jr. teaching juvenile delinquents how to fly planes.  Then the 2nd half of the movie has a lot of murder.
  2. Home Alone 3 Because it's a kid, his parrot, and his rat versus terrorists with guns
  3. Grizzly II Because Bouchard played by John Rhys-Davies steals the show (and talks in 3rd person). Plus it's early roles for Laura Dern, George Clooney, and Charlie Sheen. Lastly the movie took 37 years to finally get released and that story alone makes it worth it.
  4. Samurai Cop 2 Because it has the most insane, silly action scenes with Tommy Wiseau (The Room) as the villain
  5. a talking pony ?!? Okay this is a movie that was shot over 48 hours, but it is glorious. it's fun to watch because of how insane the plot is.

about us

Hosts Doug and Jamie are talking sequels and they do it in 2 parts. The first, an interview with an actor or someone involved that made the film worth watching. They provide us some insight and talk about their careers. Trust me they have some amazing stories that you're going to want to hear. And the second, a discussion of the sequel; What they got right, what they got wrong and how it could’ve been better.

Why Sequels?

Sequels are the most interesting concept in the world of movies because there are SO many options for them. Do you they continue the story perfectly, do they ignore the ending of the previous movie, do they recast in important roles, or is it just a random movie with the name of the hit original with a "2" slapped next to it?  That's why we love sequels, because they are such a unique monster.  if you look at all of the sequels that we have covered so far, you'll see each one fits into one the categories listed above.  Happy watching.

Check out Actress Kathleen Kinmont's book below.  Kathleen starred in Bride of re-Animator, Halloween 4, usa Network's Renegade, and more.  Visit to read or listen.

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By Douglas Dietzold 30 May, 2024
Title: Frostbite: A Christmas Confrontation INT. SKI LODGE - NIGHT The scene opens on a cozy, picturesque ski lodge decorated for Christmas. The lodge is bustling with holiday cheer. A Christmas tree glows warmly in the corner, and carolers can be heard singing outside. The camera pans to a sign on the wall: "WELCOME TO WINTER HAVEN SKI LODGE". CUT TO: INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT The kitchen is busy with staff preparing a Christmas feast. We focus on a tray of freshly baked gingerbread men cooling on the counter. Suddenly, the room temperature drops dramatically. Frost forms on the windows. One of the gingerbread men begins to twitch and move, growing larger and more menacing until it becomes the GINGERDEAD MAN, his icing forming a sinister grin. GINGERDEAD MAN (laughing maniacally) Time to spice things up! CUT TO: EXT. SKI LODGE - NIGHT Outside, a fierce snowstorm is brewing. The snow begins to swirl unnaturally, coalescing into the shape of a menacing snowman with jagged icicles for teeth and coal-black eyes. This is JACK FROST, THE MUTANT KILLER SNOWMAN. JACK FROST (growling) There’s only room for one holiday horror around here... INT. SKI LODGE - LOBBY - NIGHT Guests are mingling, sipping hot cocoa, and enjoying the warmth of the fireplace. Suddenly, the front door bursts open, and a cold wind blows in, sending shivers through the crowd. Jack Frost steps inside, his presence immediately lowering the temperature. JACK FROST (to the guests) Merry Christmas... You're all on ice! Panic ensues as guests scramble to get away. The camera follows Jack Frost as he advances, freezing everything in his path. Then, from the kitchen, the Gingerdead Man bursts into the lobby, brandishing a candy cane shiv. GINGERDEAD MAN (to Jack Frost) Hey frosty! You think you can crash my party? JACK FROST (snarling) Gingerbread? More like gingerDEAD! INT. SKI LODGE - MAIN HALL - NIGHT The two holiday horrors face off in the main hall, the terrified guests watching from the shadows. Jack Frost summons ice shards and hurls them at the Gingerdead Man, who nimbly dodges and counters with sharp gingerbread shurikens. GINGERDEAD MAN (smirking) Let’s see how you handle some holiday spice! He opens his mouth and breathes out a cloud of scalding hot gingerbread crumbs, searing through Jack Frost’s icy exterior. Jack Frost roars in pain, the heat causing him to partially melt. JACK FROST (roaring) You’ll pay for that, cookie! He waves his branch-like arms, summoning a blizzard inside the lodge. The temperature plummets even further as snow and ice swirl around them. The Gingerdead Man is thrown against the wall, struggling to maintain his form. GINGERDEAD MAN (grunting) Is that all you got? JACK FROST (grinning) Not even close. Jack Frost lunges, his icicle claws extended. But at the last moment, the Gingerdead Man grabs a nearby Christmas tree, using it as a shield. The tree shatters into sparkling fragments, momentarily blinding Jack Frost. GINGERDEAD MAN (screaming) Eat this! He leaps forward, jamming his candy cane shiv into Jack Frost’s chest. The mutant snowman freezes in place, a look of shock on his face, before exploding into a shower of snowflakes and ice. GINGERDEAD MAN (panting, triumphant) Looks like you're snowed under. INT. SKI LODGE - LOBBY - NIGHT The guests slowly come out of hiding, cautiously approaching the Gingerdead Man, who is catching his breath. GUEST #1 (tentatively) Thank you... You saved us. GINGERDEAD MAN (grinning wickedly) Don't thank me yet. Dessert’s not over. His eyes gleam with malice as he looks around at the remaining guests, who realize the horror isn't over. They scream and run as the Gingerdead Man gives chase, laughter echoing through the lodge. FADE OUT. CREDITS ROLL. The sound of the Gingerdead Man's maniacal laughter continues over the credits, mixed with Christmas carols played in a haunting, minor key. THE END.
By Douglas Dietzold 08 Feb, 2023
"Weekend at Bernie's: The Quest for Fortune" INT. LARRY’S APARTMENT - DAY Larry is pacing around the room, talking on the phone. LARRY (excitedly) Richard, you won't believe what I just found on the dark web! CUT TO: INT. RICHARD’S OFFICE - DAY Richard is at his desk, looking uninterested. RICHARD (skeptically) What is it, Larry? LARRY (excitedly) A way to bring back Bernie from the dead! Can you believe it? Richard rolls his eyes. RICHARD (sighing) Larry, that's crazy. Bernie’s been dead for years. Let him rest in peace. LARRY (persistently) I know, I know, but think about it, Richard. We could finally find that hidden money Bernie had. Plus, it’ll be just like old times. RICHARD (firmly) No, Larry. It’s a bad idea. Just let it go. CUT TO: INT. LARRY’S APARTMENT - DAY Larry hangs up the phone and sees Winston and his friends listening from the door. LARRY (nervously) Uh, hey guys. What are you doing here? WINSTON (excitedly) We overheard your plan, Uncle Larry. Can we help bring Bernie back? Larry looks hesitant, but eventually agrees. LARRY (thinking) Well, I guess it couldn’t hurt. CUT TO: EXT. HAMPTON CEMETERY - DAY Winston, his friends, and Larry gather around Bernie’s grave. They perform the ceremony and Bernie rises from the dead. WINSTON (excitedly) It worked! Uncle Larry, you’re a genius! LARRY (laughing) Well, I try. CUT TO: INT. LARRY’S APARTMENT - DAY Bernie is now in Larry’s apartment, looking just like he did in the 90s. WINSTON (excitedly) Let's go find that hidden money, Uncle Larry! LARRY (excitedly) Yeah, let’s do it! CUT TO: EXT. CAT’S CREEK, MONTANA - DAY Richard catches wind of the scheme and goes to Cat’s Creek to stop them. But, he eventually gets convinced to play along. RICHARD (sighing) Alright, fine. I’ll play along. But, we need to be careful. WINSTON (excitedly) We got this, Dad. Richard, Larry, Winston, and Bernie are sneaking around trying to find Bernie’s safety deposit box. They finally uncover it, filled with gold bars worth millions. RICHARD (excitedly) We’re rich! WINSTON (excitedly) Yeah! LARRY (excitedly) Finally, all the money Bernie owed us for bringing him back is paid off. CUT TO: EXT. ROAD - DAY The mafia who Bernie stole the gold from chases them across the country in a car race . The group races across the country, trying to outrun the mafia. They encounter numerous obstacles, but with Winston's quick thinking and Richard's driving skills, they manage to stay ahead of the mafia. WINSTON (excitedly) We're doing it! We're actually doing it! RICHARD (concentrating) Just hang on a little longer, son. LARRY (nervously) I hope they don't catch us. BERNIE (calmly) Don't worry guys, I've got a trick or two up my sleeve. Suddenly, Bernie pulls out a map and points to a shortcut. BERNIE (excitedly) Take this road, it'll cut ten minutes off our time! Richard takes the turn, and they arrive at the bank in record time. CUT TO: INT. BANK - DAY The group rushes inside, grabbing the gold and making a run for it. The mafia is hot on their heels, but they manage to get away just in time. WINSTON (excitedly) We did it! We're rich! RICHARD (proudly) And we're still alive! LARRY (happily) And Bernie's back! BERNIE (smiling) And I couldn't be happier. CUT TO: EXT. ROAD - DAY The group continues their road trip, laughing and celebrating their newfound wealth. But, their joy is short-lived as they soon discover that the mafia has caught up to them again. WINSTON (worriedly) What do we do now? RICHARD (determinedly) We fight! INT. LARRY'S APARTMENT - DAY Richard, Larry, Winston, and Bernie are all in Larry's apartment, looking at the gold bars from the safety deposit box. LARRY (excitedly) Can you believe it? We're rich! RICHARD (skeptical) But what about the mafia? They're still after us. WINSTON (excitedly) We can handle them! BERNIE (smiling) I've always been lucky with the ladies, but now I'm lucky with money too! LARRY (laughing) We'll split the money four ways and live the life of luxury! Suddenly, there's a loud knock at the door. RICHARD (whispering) It's the mafia! Quick, hide Bernie! Winston and Larry hide Bernie in a closet while Richard goes to answer the door. It's two police officers. POLICE OFFICER 1 (officially) We received a tip that Bernie Lomax was seen in this apartment. RICHARD (nervously) Bernie Lomax? I've never heard of him. POLICE OFFICER 2 (suspiciously) Really? Then why does it look like someone's hiding in that closet over there? Richard tries to come up with an excuse, but Winston and Larry burst out of the closet with Bernie. WINSTON (excitedly) Bernie's back from the dead! The police officers are shocked and Bernie gives them a charming smile. BERNIE (smiling) Gentlemen, let me explain. The police officers listen to Bernie's story and how the gold was obtained through a series of unfortunate events. In the end, they confiscate the gold as evidence, but Bernie, Richard, Winston, and Larry all escape unscathed. INT. COLLEGE DORM ROOM - DAY Winston is in his college dorm room, surrounded by his new friends. He regales them with the story of Bernie's return from the dead and the wild adventure they went on. WINSTON (excitedly) And that's how I became a millionaire, even if it was just for a little while. His friends are in awe and Winston realizes that his bond with his father and Uncle Larry will last forever. WINSTON (V.O) (nostalgically) The adventure may be over, but the memories will last a lifetime. The screen fades to black as the theme music starts to play. THE END
By Douglas Dietzold 29 Jan, 2023
"Ghoulies Go to the Hamptons" The Ghoulies are back and causing chaos in the luxurious Hamptons. Nick and his girlfriend Tiffany are spending a long weekend in the Hamptons, where Nick is meeting Tiffany's wealthy family for the first time. Act 1: Nick and Tiffany arrive at the Hamptons mansion and are greeted by Tiffany's parents. Tiffany's Mother: "Welcome to our home, dear. We're so glad you could make it." Nick: "Thank you, it's beautiful here. I can't wait to show off my comic book collection to your husband." Tiffany: "I told you he was a collector too, Nick." Nick is browsing a local comic store when he finds the Ghoulish comic. Nick: "Wow, this is rare. I've never seen anything like it before." Comic Store Owner: "That's a one of a kind, my friend. It's said to bring the ghoulies to life when it's read." Nick: "I have to have it." Nick brings the comic back to the mansion and hides it in his luggage. Nick: "I can't wait to read this, but I'll wait till we get back home." Act 2: Tiffany's mother finds the comic in Nick's luggage and reads it. Tiffany's Mother: "What is this strange comic book? I'm curious." The ghoulies are unleashed upon the Hamptons. Tiffany: "Nick, what have you done? The ghoulies are here!" Nick: "I didn't know this would happen, we have to stop them." Nick and Tiffany come up with a plan to use the spell from the comic to suck the ghoulies back in. Nick: "I remember reading a spell in the comic, it's our only chance." Tiffany: "We have to find the ingredients, and fast." Act 3: As they gather the ingredients, Nick and Tiffany face off against the ghoulies in a series of intense battles. Nick: "Come on, we can do this." Tiffany: "I'm right behind you." They are able to perform the spell and suck the ghoulies back into the Ghoulish comic. Nick: "It's done, they're gone." Tiffany: "We did it." Ending: Nick and Tiffany say goodbye to Tiffany's family and head back home. Nick: "I'm glad we saved the Hamptons, and our relationship with your family." Tiffany: "Me too, but I can't help but wonder what other secrets that comic book holds." Nick: "I don't know, but we'll have to be careful in the future." Tiffany: "I'm sure we will." The camera lingers on the Ghoulish comic, hinting at the possibility of a sequel.
By Douglas Dietzold 23 Jan, 2023
I had a bot write a script for "Munchie Strikes Back" and it came up with the name "Munchie Strikes Again". Enjoy!
By Doug Dietz 07 Nov, 2021
Death Wish 3 is the GREATEST action sequel of all time in my eyes. It is non-stop action with a lot of one-liners that move the insane plot along. It was the one Death Wish shown on WPIX channel 11 often on Saturdays and my dad always made sure we watched it. So, it was such an honor to team up with Chris Rauch who runs the Charles Bronson Fan Account on Twitter @bronsontweets9, and do a never before seen Death Wish 3 reunion with 3 of the main baddies. We got Alex Winter (Hermosa), Tony Spiridakis (Angel), and Kirk Taylor (The Giggler) together to reminisce about the movie and talk about Charles Bronson in honor of the movie’s release date of Nov 1 and Charles Bronson’s 100th birthday on Nov 3.
By Doug Dietz 09 Sep, 2021
We recently reviewed "Robocop 3" and it is polar opposites of the 1st two movies. No blood, less action, and less Robocop. The film made money in the theaters (according to some websites and other websites claim it didn't), so it is a "success" in the eyes of the suits, but who was to blame for why it was so different from the first 2? So I surfed the internet that Al Gore graciously gave us and did my research about it. First, off Fred Dekker the director wanted the movie to be VERY different. He wanted A LOT more action because of the introduction of the "Roboninja", he wanted Hong Style stunt teams, but it wasn't in the budget. Then the blood and action got dialed down because the Robocop franchise was targeting a younger audience after it launched its Robocop cartoon and every Robocop toy imaginable was on the market. How could they make a Robocop 3 that their newest fan base couldn't see? They couldn't, so Fred Dekker was forced to make a PG-rated Robocop which is comical when you think about Alex Murphy's graphic death scene in the first one. Instead, we got a movie that featured a 10-year-old hacker named Nikko more than Robocop, which as a ten-year-old I would've loved, but older it just feels off a bit. Nikko, who is the greatest hacker ever, saved EVERYONE in the movie, watch it if you don't believe us. Fred also had an idea where Nancy Allen's character, who died in the end, comes back as a Robocop, which would've been fantastic, but we didn't get that. We got a movie that had Robocop obsolete for most of it. The silver lining of the movie is its cast which is full of budding stars and Rip Torn. It has Jodi Long, Jeff Garlin, Bradley Whitford, Stephen Root, and more. I just wanted MORE Robocop and more action because when Robocop was on screen, he had his classic one-liners that is what you loved about Robocop. Even if Peter Weller could've reprised his role wouldn't have changed the direction of the movie, Peter was stuck filming David Cronenberg's "Naked Lunch" at the time. The studio needed the movie to target its toy-loving and cartoon-watching audience, kids. As a sequel lover, I am happy it was made, so 28 years later we could review it on our podcast "The Good, The Bad, and The Sequel." Check out our review of Robocop 3 HERE Article written by Doug Dietz
By Doug Dietz 18 Jun, 2021
Actor Jack O'Halloran had Quite the Story to Tell
Roger Rabbit 2
By Doug Dietz 26 Mar, 2021
TIL; There is a Sequel Script for Roger Rabbit 2 from 1989 and Here's What I Found. I discovered JJ Abrams was asked by Spielberg to an outline, Zemeckis has a script and even CGI Test footage from 1998.
Eric and Eliza Roberts
By Doug Dietz 01 Mar, 2021
I wanted to look back on how I ended up having the amazing opportunity to not just pick the brain of one Roberts, but two! Read more.
Face/Off 2
By Doug Dietz 16 Feb, 2021
Face/Off 2 was just announced as a direct sequel, so being Doug the Sequel Dude, I took a stab at how the movie should be played out, sorta. ENJOY

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